First off let me say that Mike Dillard, the author of Magnetic Sponsoring gets one thing right.
That is, network marketing businesses are promoted by people who have absolutely no idea how to market!
I agree with him totally on that point...
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But if you were thinking about buying Mike Dillard's ebook so you could flip through the pages, make one adjustment to your MLM business and explode your downline you are sorely mistaken.
It won't happen...
Just like the rest of the gurus out there, Mike makes some pretty bold claims.
He has his viral testimonial full of praise and stories of success.
He has recently partnered with a couple of notorious internet marketers and put together a salty "high-end" MLM marketing product called MLM Traffic Formula.
So what is the big deal$%:
Why is there such a buzz around Magnetic Sponsoring and Mike Dillard$%:
Is this new info$%:
In fact, Mike's concepts were totally adapted from legendary marketers like Mike Filsame and Dan Kennedy. He's just put an MLM twist on it.
The bottom line is if you haven't gotten your network marketing business off the ground and you want a simple solution this isn't it.
Don't waste your money!!
Mike's concepts only work for the 5% of the folks who actually do something.
A full 95% of people who start a network marketing business do so just to make themselves feel better. To make themselves fell like there is a way out of their miserable job or their miserable debt.
Subconsciously, they cling to this false hope but never make any conscious effort.
Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring book won't help you if you don't buy it, read it and work it.
It is that simple!
For the 5% however, I can personally say, it is truly revolutionary.
The fact that you are reading this article is evidence of the power of the concepts in Magnetic Sponsoring. I knew very little about how to generate leads and even less of how to do it AUTOMATICALLY, WORLDWIDE, ONLINE for FREE.
The fact that this is possible still sends a little tingle up my spine.
You may be in the US, Australia, the UK, Canada, really anywhere in the world, and this article is influencing a decision you need to make.
Ultimately, Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring system shows you how to do exactly that with whatever MLM business you are working. Influence countless potentials business partners!
But, it's NOT a push-button, simple solution.
It will take you some time. In 2 weeks or so, after absorbing the concepts in Magnetic Sponsoring, you will know what you need to do and whether you or someone in your downline is gonna do it.
So, final warning BEWARE of the Magnetic Sponsoring book!!!!
If your in the 95%, it will be just another wasted dollar that does nothing but buy you some more worthless pseudo-hope.
If your one of the few, the 5%, it will keep you awake at night applying the principle you've learned on how to attract and convert people around the world into fanatical business partners!
I hope you are the 5% kind! I hope to work with you someday!
Free 10-day
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